![Ticket Tuesday! 2 August 2016](http://d2oc0ihd6a5bt.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/1214/cache/2016/08/3-tn/4063255293.png)
To summarize what we have covered in previous Ticket Tuesday posts, time is finite. How often do you take on these seemingly small issues and they end up taking hours to address?
Here is a list of on demand tickets our techs handed during a typical weekday.
- Issues with nurses@ email
- Error code 999 on scanner
- Assist with setting up replacement printer
- Eaglesoft screen is cut off due to resolution on one screen only
- SOAPware won’t open
- Needs username and password
- Cannot export from website into Excel
- Allworx access
- Fees are not showing as being updated anymore (Eaglesoft)
- Printer defaulted to something else after Eaglesoft Issues
- Scanner installed as scanner option
- Breakroom phone keeps breaking up on calls
- Intraoral camera not working
- Need Outlook and Google Calendar set up on new laptop
- Smart Docs Eaglesoft warning message
- Backup Files Needed
- Instant message is not working
- Using Google Chrome instead of Explorer for eCentral Claims
- Change Email address
- No internet access
- Email questions
- Issues printing out of Eaglesoft
- Assist with Eye-Fi and iPad
- Printer is not working
- Phone extension 1011 not working
- Power went out and can’t get into Eaglesoft
- Missing power cords for two phones
- Remote access assistance
- Carbonite Backup
- Site Not Communicating
- Server is completely down
- All PCs just disconnected from remote server
- Can’t print report to Cute PDF printer
- No one can print to this printer
- Error message
- Time is off on all PC's
- Email questions
- Unable to send faxes
- Site Not Communicating
- Back up ran at 3:13 to 3:22 today
- Exchange License
- Bank Scanner errors
- Slow Computer
- Unable to print
- Date and time on phone are wrong
- Signature pad is not working
- Dentrix needs access
- Scanner not working properly
- Phones are cutting out
- Change email alias
- Can't connect to the Database
- Dentrix claims not printing to Remote Lite
- Site Not Communicating
- Locking up with Accounts within Eaglesoft
- Can't access internet through Dentrix
- Lost remote connection and can't get back in
- Virus alert on page now
- Allow eServices remote access
- Site Not Communicating
- Blocked by group policy
- Deactivate email and re-assign
- Needs access to join.me
- Email address change
- Unable to log onto email
- Unable to receive any incoming emails company wide
- Unblock Twitter
- Permissions issues
- Phone is not working
- Back printer not printing in operation rooms
- Change password
- Open Dental running super slow on all PCs
- Site not communicating
- eServices needs access
- Can't log in
- Laptop running slow
- Multiple workstations in Hygiene not saving Clinical Notes
- Firewall blocking download plans from Bluebook
- Unable to open use PracticeWorks error message
- Documents blocked by Bitdefender in patient charts
- Sierra Time Clock program issues
- Unable to access x-rays shared file
- Phones are not working
- Server is offline
- Site Not Communicating
- Virus message on desktop
- Site not communicating
- Microsoft Online Services Activation
- Setup RDP for new HP laptop
- Site Not Communicating
- Setup access for New users
- iPhone remote access
- Trouble with opening Adobe PDFs
- Email "Log Me In" steps
- Site Not Communicating
- Lost map drives
- Can’t access MiPacs from Dentrix on PC
Ask us how a relationship with IRIS Solutions can help you and your team be more efficient during your work day.
The post Ticket Tuesday! 2 August 2016 appeared first on IRIS Solutions.